The beautiful city of Dubrovnik is situated in Croatia on the Adriatic Sea. It is named Ragusa in Italian and pronounced Raiyna in Greece. Dubrovnik's sea port and historical city is very popular with tourists and is perfect for sightseeing. Dubrovnik is full of history, celebration, culture and festivals.
The Dubrovnik Summer Festival brings many visitors to the City. The 45 day long cultural celebration holds live plays, concerts and games. The Editorial Office, in partnership with the Trade Leaders Club, awarded the festival a Gold International Trophy for Quality.
The locals also celebrate the feast of Saint Blaise every February. It is a religious day, where a Mass is held, along with parades and festivities which last for several days.
is an exciting and vibrant place, full of fun, adventure, and things to do. Tourists are not stuck searching for ideas in this city because everyday there is something new to see or do, so after a long day of exploring you can enjoy your evenings in romantic walks or simply indulge in the lure of Dubrovnik's vibrant night life.
If you are looking for a relaxing day out, there are many beaches to visit, including Banje, which is the main public beach. Temperatures reach around 30 degrees Celsius in the summer months and drop to around 10 in Winter.
The City main income comes from tourism and historicaly Dubrovnik was known as the Maritime Republic. In those times, Dubrovnik, along with Pisa, Genoa and other Italian cities, became rivals with Venice in the sea trade of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean.
Dubrovnik is a city full of culture, art and celebration, which is perfect for those who are looking for a lively and fun trip away. Equally, you can slow the pace down, by visiting the famous attractions and monuments, admire the architecture or relax on one of the beaches. It is also a beautiful and picturesqe city, perfect for photography.